Spine surgery is a very big deal. Not just because it requires anesthesia and recovery time and all the other things that come with major surgeries but because it offers the opportunity for significant and permanent pain relief. Even with a better quality of life waiting on the other side, preparing for your spine surgery can still feel overwhelming and stressful. Your team at SpineCare of NY will do everything we can to ensure that you are fully prepared to undergo surgery, including setting you up with our pre-op patient education courses taught by the registered nurses, physical therapists, and social work case managers who will be with you every step of your journey. The class, held on the first Wednesday of every month at 10 a.m., will give you a comprehensive insight into what to expect from your spine surgery experience. By answering all your questions and concerns prior to your surgery day, you can rest assured that we’ve got your back!
Pre-Op Testing
Pre-op testing is required for surgery and will be performed within the 30 days leading up to your surgery date. Pre-op testing may consist of blood and urine tests, possible chest x-ray and EKG, and a pregnancy test for women of childbearing age. To help us effectively manage your pain following surgery, please bring a complete list of all of your medications.
Pre-Op Paperwork
Prior to your surgery, you will meet with one of our team members and will be asked to sign your consent forms for the procedure. During this meeting, please bring any x-rays and/or CDs that we have not been given previously.
Prepare for Your Arrival
A nurse will contact you between 2 p.m. – 7 p.m., the business day prior to surgery with instructions for your arrival. They will inform you of the time to arrive at the hospital and where to go. You may call (212) 606-1630 at any time to hear a pre-recorded message giving pre-op information.
Research & Technology
Year of Research and Development
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See all Research If you are an existing or past patient, please use the Patient Portal to communicate with us. Please note: This form is for NEW patients only and should be used strictly for administrative messages. DO NOT TRANSMIT personal, confidential health information, i.e., your insurance ID #. Thank you.
SpineCare of NY is located at 523 East 72nd Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10021.