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Things to know before your visit
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Your consultation and who you'll meet
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What if I need surgery? How do I prepare?
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What to expect after surgery?

Your Spine Care Consultation and Who You’ll Meet

When you arrive for your spine care consultation you can expect to meet with the doctor in charge of your case and a physician assistant (PA). The PA will help you navigate your treatment plan beginning with your first call and appointment, all the way through treatment and recovery. Providing the PAs with all relevant medical information prior to your spine care consultation, including any scans taken within the last 6 months, helps ensure that patients can expect the diagnosis and treatment plan to be discussed during their first visit. Patients may need to have new MRI, CT scans and/or X-rays taken at their first appointment, but our team will discuss this with you before your arrival so that you are prepared. Our team will work with you to make sure your consultation proceeds as smoothly as possible.

Frank P. Cammisa Jr., MD, F.A.C.S.
Andrew A. Sama, MD
Alexander P. Hughes, MD

What if surgery is not recommended?

It’s important to understand that not all spinal conditions require surgery, but, whether you need surgery or not, you can expect to receive the highest level of care. As leading researchers in the field, our team is experienced with the benefits of alternative treatment methods and works closely with a number of other trusted non-surgical physicians to recommend the best possible course of action for you. If you are referred to one of our recommended providers, you will be in great hands.

What if I need surgery? Working with a surgical coordinator and physician assistant

If we determine that surgery is the best treatment option, your surgical coordinator and physician assistant will help you prepare for surgery. Each doctor has their own surgical coordinator and physician assistant, and they are a part of your team from the time the evaluation process begins.

The role of the surgical coordinator and physician assistant is to help our patients navigate their treatment plan.

Scheduling Surgery
Our physician assistants will be your direct point of contact for any questions or concerns you have throughout the entire process.
Preparing for Surgery
Your surgical coordinator will work with you to schedule your surgical procedure, your pre-operative testing and will also work with you to schedule your post-operative appointments.
Your physician assistant will walk through the pre-operative and post-operative instructions to ensure you fully understand what to expect before, during and after surgery.

Hear from some of our patients about what you can expect visiting SpineCare of NY

Learn from others and get answers to common questions

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Read some of our patient testimonials:

We share stories from our past patients to give current and future patients first-hand information about what it’s like to be treated here for spinal conditions.
Read Patient Stories
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Common questions and spine disorders:

We provide answers to common questions regarding insurance, accommodations, common spinal disorders and other support services.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Learn about new research:

Our research passion means that we are constantly engaged with the latest surgical techniques and innovations, enabling us to assess and provide the best course of action for the best possible outcome.
SpineCare Research