At SpineCare of NY, we see patients from all over the world. We understand that traveling internationally for medical care can be stressful, but may ultimately be the right decision for your health. We provide world-class care for our international patients and look forward to helping you feel at ease with your treatment here in New York.
Because international travel can be stressful, time-consuming, and expensive, we offer a thorough review process ahead of time for convenience. We ask that you follow a process to ensure that your treatment can be completed smoothly and effectively. Should you need an interpreter during your visit, please let us know and this will be arranged.
Our International Intake Forms Process
You’ll be sent forms to be completed in detail so that your surgeon can review your clinical information ahead of time. All forms must be translated into English to ensure the most accurate understanding of your information. Your surgeon will review your clinical forms and your chart within 3-5 business days, depending on availability. If any additional information or studies are needed, or if surgery isn’t indicated, our team will refer you to another specialist accordingly.
Your forms should include the following information:
- Written radiological reports of any spinal studies taken within the last year, including X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, myelograms, or EMGs. If you have electronic or physical image copies, keep them for your consultation and bring them on the day of your appointment. If these spinal studies were done at the Hospital for Special Surgery, don’t submit written reports.
- Notes on any spinal injections or pain treatments administered within the past year.
- Notes from any consultations with spinal specialists seen in the past year who have recommended surgery.
- Operative reports from any spinal surgeries performed within the past 10 years.
- A photocopy of insurance information if your case regards worker’s compensation or a no-fault case. The insurance information should include the insurance name, address, contact person’s name and phone number, your claim and policy numbers, and appropriate dates of the incident.
Please fax these items to Manisha Seepersaud at our office at (646) 360-5020 or email them to
Consultation Fees and Health Insurance Coverage
If you have international health insurance coverage, please also include a photocopy of the front and back of your insurance card. Your health coverage may change the price of your consultation fee, and our team will reach out accordingly.
The consultation fee is $850 and is due at the time of service. This fee is for the consultation only and doesn’t include additional studies. If your surgeon recommends X-rays, you’ll be responsible for the cost.
Contact Us
We look forward to working with you and helping you find the spinal care you need. Please reach out to our team with any questions by calling or filling out our online form.
If you are an existing or past patient, please use the Patient Portal to communicate with us. Please note: This form is for NEW patients only and should be used strictly for administrative messages. DO NOT TRANSMIT personal, confidential health information, i.e., your insurance ID #. Thank you.
SpineCare of NY is located at 523 East 72nd Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10021.